Why see someone else’s perspective and suspend our judgement?
Again, it is strategic. By seeing the other person’s perspective, it allows us to further understand what they are thinking, feeling, and why they are acting the way they are.
This is the essence of empathy. Having empathy is critical to being successful in anything we do.
For example, if our goal is to influence others, our ability to change their actions becomes much easier if we understand why they are doing what they are currently doing. By the way, this process is the foundation of hostage negotiation training and has been given to law enforcement hostage negotiators across the world. (I should know. I’m a former negotiator and trainer.) It is not through manipulation either. This type of influence leaves the other person feeling good about the process and not tricked or cheated.
Having empathy does not mean putting aside our own thoughts, feelings, or actions either. By understanding the other person’s perspective, it allows us to respond (note, not react) accordingly that is best for us.
Finally, pause incorporates everything already mentioned as well as the name of this program: warr;or21. The warrior concept should connote a sense of perseverance, grit, determination, and resilience. Warrior means not giving up. Warrior though does not mean mindlessly and recklessly going about things that hurts ourselves and others with us causing chaos through our thoughts and actions.
Instead, the “warr;or” concept is being thoughtful and developing your inner strength. The “warr;or” concept means you have prepared, there is a plan, and also having the ability to adapt. Being adaptable is important because not everything can be expected nor do things always go according to the plan. That is where the “;” comes into play. The semi colon is a pause. It is not a comma (or continuation) or period (the end). Rather, it is while we are in a moment of life, we stop and pause. We control ourselves in the moment to ensure our thoughts are accurate, our emotions are accounted for, and our actions are purposeful. That is the essence of warr;or21.
We practice pausing at moments throughout each day to make certain we are looking out for ourselves and our well-being. When we do this, the positive benefits don’t stop with us, they then can continue to be spread to others as well.
So, what exactly does this program entail? The warr;or21 program is 21 days of various practices. The daily practices are guided by a different keyword each day that includes a morning breathing exercise, a short writing on the keyword, a purposefully selected quote for the day, a reflection practice based on the keyword, and an evening gratitude practice. In total, each day’s activities are designed to take only 10 to 15 minutes.
Regardless of how busy you are, even if it is “a lot” that particular day, there will be time to do each of them. That is of course if you make the time to do it.
The keywords for each day are:
Cognitive Triangle
Pause (;)
The 21 days are a journey where each practice is connected to the previous as well as the next. You are building short goals and achievements while each is contributing to a larger goal (more on this later). The objective is not to be focused on the final, 21st day. Instead, it is the goal of being present in each moment of each day that will contribute to an overall goal.
Daily goals work toward a larger goal. The purpose of each day is to enjoy the practices. Remember, it is about perspective. Even if something feels a bit awkward, strange, or even silly, give it a chance. Practice it with an open mind. Be willing to accept that each practice can provide you with something that will help you. Also realize that your appreciation of these practices might not occur instantly. It is a process and journey where the insight and appreciation can occur later on. As opposed to feeling like it is a chore (for the record that is not the feeling I am trying to invoke), this open-mindedness will help you move along the 21-day path smoothly and effectively.
This is resilience. Resilience is developing a practice to handle tough moments and an overall, daily practice that builds our mental health.
You decided on this journey. Be ready to embark on a process where you can gain greater control over your thinking, increase your ability to calm your mind, and see a growth in your mental health.
Congratulations, you made is this far.
Your reward is moving onto the next step.
“Day Zero” helps prepare with the first practices prior to starting Day 1.
DISCLAIMER: General breathing practices and programs like warr;or21 are not a replacement for any form of therapy, nor are they intended to cure, treat, or diagnose medical conditions.
The contents of the warr;or21 program, such as text, graphics, images, breathing practices and other material contained in the program ("content") are for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this program.
If you are in crisis or you think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. If you're having suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to talk to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area at any time (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). You can also text TALK to Crisis Text Line at 741741. If you are located outside the United States, call your local emergency line immediately.